Friday 7 August 2015

Axe Throwing Parties Are The City’s Newest Hottest Trend

Old people and young people in Kitchener are flocking to axe throwing leagues and axe throwing parties in droves. You might ask, why axe throwing and why axe throwing parties? If you’re asking that, you probably have never been to an axe throwing party, because after you’ve been to one, the appeal is undeniable and you will without doubt want to go back for more.

For starters, there’s the novelty factor. People who live in cities such as Kitchener have all sorts of entertainment options at their fingertips, but until the rise of axe throwing leagues and axe throwing parties in the last few years, one of the things that is denied the city-dweller, and is coveted because of its lack, is the direct experience of living in the past, when fewer people lived in cities, and things were quieter, and simpler.

In these quieter and simpler times, entertainment was often tied to modes of subsistence, hence why axe throwing was and is a popular recreational past time in rural areas. Put simply, the axe is an ever-present tool in rural life. It’s used to chop wood for fires and clear brush, among other things. It stands to reason that, 1) rural life makes people quite handy with an axe and 2) that people like to show off their skills with whatever is at hand.

Because fewer people live in rural populations and cities like Kitchener continue to grow, we’ve seen a number of popular trends appear that are tied to a simpler way of life; things such as craft beer making, smoking your own meat, and knitting, among other activities. However, axe throwing is the first of these trends to become so widely and undeniably popular, and this has to do with how fun it is to do in a group. Imagine dart throwing but with cooler playing pieces.

Check out BATL (Backyard Axe Throwing League) is the best and most popular axe throwing league in Kitchener and a great place to hold axe throwing parties. You’re allowed to consume alcohol at BATL’s axe throwing parties, as long as it’s not in glass bottles. Imagine how fun it would be to host a party with your friends at an axe throwing league, have a few drinks, and experience what it was like to live in a simpler, more rural environment. It’s all waiting for you at an axe throwing league.


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