Sunday 17 January 2016

17 Amazing Facts About Apples We Bet You Didn’t Know!

So all of you know that an apple a day keeps the doctor away! It has some very beneficial nutrients, which can keep us from a lot of health problems. But there are many fun facts about apples, which we bet you do not know. Read on to explore.

  1. The rose family member – apples actually belong to the family of roses, same as plums and pears. Did you ever imagine that?
  2. In the United States of America, there are nearly more than 3000 varieties of apples that are cultivated. If you actually do eat one apple a day, you need a whopping 7 years to get a taste of all the varieties!
  3. Coming to the statistics of the whole world, more than 8,000 apples are grown in different parts of the globe; that means you need minimum of 20 years to eat one of each kind!
  4. The size of apples – the size of the variety of this fruit can range from one, which is as small as a cherry to one, which is as large as a mango! And you thought the apple you eat is what people eat all over the world!
  5. Wax applied apples – a few apples, after they have been harvested, are coated with natural wax. While the wax makes the apples look shiny, the main motive is to keep bacteria away and slower the ripening process.
  6. Malic acid – Apples have malic acid in them, which is a chemical that is use in toothpaste and other teeth whitening products. The chemical also dissolves stains. But wait; don’t use apples to remove a stain from your shirt!
  7. Some people fear apples. The fear of apples is called Malusdomesticaphobia.
  8. There is only one and only apple, which is native to North America— it is called the crabapple.
  9. Owing to their great level of boron, an apple can help better your memory, the brain’s electrical activity and mental alertness.
  10. Apples date back to the 6000 B.C. People have been eating apples since that time.
  11. The national apple of Canada is McIntosh apple.
  12. The biggest apple ever picked had a weight of three pounds. It has the same weight as teacup Chihuahua.
  13. Have you ever kept an apple in a bowl of water and seen it afloat? Ever wondered why it does not sink? That is because apple has 25 percent of air.
  14. The life of an apple tree is, unbelievably, long. It can live for at least more than 400 years.
  15. The science of growing apples is called pomology.
  16. The peel of the apple has much more benefits to offer than the apple itself. Almost all of its antioxidants and fibre are found in the peel.
  17. Most of the apple orchards grow tiny apple trees since their shorter height makes it easier to harvest and maintain them.

So next when you send fruit baskets of apples to someone, do not forget to attach this fun facts note along with the fruits basket delivered. Share it for more people to discover the facts about apples


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