Friday 18 March 2016

6 health and beauty secrets from the land down under

Most of us know that swellings could be a symptom of injuries, redness are usually a symptom of irritation, and looking beautiful is believed  to be in correlation with your health. The more you take care of your health it is more likely it will show on your exterior, since physical beauty is considered to be a direct  reflection of your health. Aussie girls have a certain glow about them, and they always look their best without too much effort. Here are some beauty secrets and healthy tips from the land down under  to help you feel good and look your best.


Its benefits were obviously known a long time ago,  Aboriginal  women used yarrow not only for cosmetic purposes but also for its healing and medicinal properties. It is so widespread across the continent of Australia that It can be found growing anywhere. Its has many applications , it can treat common cold or help with your digestion. But it will also do wonders for your skin. It is a really good moisturizer and is used to fight stretch marks, which can happen during or after pregnancies .

Apple cider vinegar

Everybody noticed how most of the girls from Australia have gorgeous blonde hair. Although different kinds of shampoo and hair conditioners are very common all around the world, there is something we could add to our hair routine. Try out apple cider vinegar , it will help with the pH of your head scalp and gives you that shiny hair you have been looking for.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is considered a super food, it is rich with fatty acids and has amazing effects on your health. Among  its amazing benefits are  improved brain functionality and fat loss, it could also protect you from Alzheimer’s , it also prevents heart disease. But it is not just for eating,  many people use it to help with the appearance of their skin and hair. It can be used as a skin moisturizer, it will protect your hair from getting damaged and it very effective when used as a sunscreen. When used as a mouthwash it helps with general health of the mouth and also with bad breath.

Ocean and beach

Water sports like swimming and surfing  will sculpt your body and give you front page material figure. There are a lot of pressure points located on your feet, so walking barefoot on the beach can therapeutically affect your body. It acts as a natural foot massage and helps you relax. If you suffer from flaky and dry skin a dip in the ocean can do wonders for you. Besides moisturizing your skin and cleansing it , it also fights helps fight off bacteria and fungi. Add some sunshine to that and you will boast skin that is tanned and radiant.

Cosmetic treatments

Without using too much make up , ladies from Australia manage to look beautiful. They look gorgeous , fresh and most importantly natural. Not all of us have been blessed with great genes, and a simple swim in the ocean will not fix all your problems. That is why there is a great number of health and beauty clinics all over Australia. If you are considering having a procedure done or perhaps in need of some cosmetic aids , you should take a look at Clear Skin Care Clinics.

Eucalyptus, Almond and Tea tree oil

If you live in the land down under , you probably tend to spend a lot of your day outside, which means that you are exposed to the effects of the sun. If that is the case you should protect yourself and do some aftercare for your skin. Consider using eucalyptus or tea tree oil for dry skin and almond oil for glandular functions.

After you start taking extra care of your health , you will certainly look and feel your best. People from Australia say that the ocean and sun aid them in looking their best, but as we have seen they also take extra care of their skin and their general health and that reflects greatly.


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